When the first Native Americans first crossed from Asia during the last ice age 15,0000 years ago they braught more than just their distinctive tribal culture with them. They braught an ancient species that masquraded amoung them by day and protected them by the light of the moon.
Nashota is an immortal and was born a werewolf in a time long before anyone alive could remember and although time will not kill her, violence would.
Her mother gave birth alone in a cave and died in the process of giving her life, a local human hunter finding her where she lay crying against her mothers cold breast, adopting her into his own family and tribe unaware of what she was.
It wasn't till her first bleed that anything happened to make her believe that she was any different from anyone else. Not long after that the moon became full and bright and the demon seed within her reformed her body into a monster for the first time and she ran and hunted and killed. She awoke the next morning next to the body of her first kill and the blank eyes of a local boy staring back at her.
Terrified, she did the only thing that she could think if, she ran and has never stopped. The seasons came and went, time and again until she lost count and has never been close to finding the answers to her burning questions, who and what she is.
Now she has taken on a new name, Cries-Luna's-Passion and refers to her Moon Self, a rather fitting name for her nocturnal persona.
Her mother gave birth alone in a cave and died in the process of giving her life, a local human hunter finding her where she lay crying against her mothers cold breast, adopting her into his own family and tribe unaware of what she was.
It wasn't till her first bleed that anything happened to make her believe that she was any different from anyone else. Not long after that the moon became full and bright and the demon seed within her reformed her body into a monster for the first time and she ran and hunted and killed. She awoke the next morning next to the body of her first kill and the blank eyes of a local boy staring back at her.
Terrified, she did the only thing that she could think if, she ran and has never stopped. The seasons came and went, time and again until she lost count and has never been close to finding the answers to her burning questions, who and what she is.
Now she has taken on a new name, Cries-Luna's-Passion and refers to her Moon Self, a rather fitting name for her nocturnal persona.
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