The city's people were in uproar and the high king had to fight in the streets of his own city, fight his own people to restore order. Eventually the people gathered before the great temple and the high king told them that every year they honoured Chicomecoatl with the skinning of a beautiful virgin but this was now not enough. The gods were displeased and punish them for their meager offerings. He ordered that in the coming year that instead of just one virgin, 20 would be flayed alive and the greatest celebration would take place to honour the great god of nourishment. Only then will the crops flourish.
They came without warning on the eve of her 16th birthday and took her before the priests. They had gathered to the city, one priest for every virgin and skinned each in turn with their obsidian blades. Lured by their screams and the stench of blood, Camazotz, the Bat god, the bat of death came to her in those last moments as the sun set remade her in his image and vampirsm in the America's was born in that moment. She lived each night ever since, empty and cold, filled with hatred and anger, craving her revenge and a never ending font of human blood.
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